2 Reisende
EUR 72
3 Sitzplätze mit SicherheitsgurtSitze mit Sicherheitsgurten
2 Schlafplätzekomfortabler Schlafbereich für 2 Personen
Führerschein BDein Führerschein reicht aus, um dieses Fahrzeug mit einem Gewicht von weniger als 3500 kg zu fahren
Das Dokument wurde geprüftWir haben den Fahrzeugschein akzeptiert
Auslandsreisen nicht erlaubtDer Vermieter erlaubt nicht, dass sein Fahrzeug das Land verlässt
Haustiere sind nicht erlaubtDeine Haustiere können dich in diesem Fahrzeug nicht begleiten
Kostenlose und unverbindliche Mietanfrage!
Versicherung mit Standardselbstbeteiligung oder Zusatzschutz, du hast die Wahl!
Unser Team hilft dir bei der Suche nach Alternativen sollte in der letzten Minute etwas schiefgehen
Unser Team steht dir jederzeit zur Verfügung
Mehr Flexibilität durch unsere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten
Our camper is ideal for any type of getaway, whether on nature routes or urban routes. It offers all the necessary comforts going unnoticed, since at first glance it does not look like a camper.
Being a fairly new vehicle, the driving experience is great, it has a speed limiter, cruise speed and enough power to go fast and safe! And all this consuming between 6,5 and 8 liters per 100 km. It also has the C environmental badge, so you don't have to worry about not being able to enter a city with restrictions. Due to size and height there are no problems either, as it fits in the vast majority of car parks.
Inside there is a large extendable bed to be able to sleep as comfortably as possible. Underneath it, in the cabinet, there is a lot of storage space. In it we usually store our backpacks and bags of clothes and personal belongings, in addition to the camping chairs and the table, a hammock, a picnic blanket and a portable shower from Decathlon,... which is also included in the rent. The bed can be transformed into the dining room by raising the table, but we rarely use it, as we prefer to eat outside.
The kitchen cabinet has a domestic sink, larger than usual for a small camper, and a 20L clean water tank and a 20L wastewater tank as well. There is enough space to store everything you need to cook and eat such as crockery, the two-burner campingaz and the coffee maker. An electric fridge keeps our food and drinks nice and cold. The faucet works with a water pump which is powered by an additional battery. It has USB, 220V, 12V and 12V cigarette lighter charging ports. It is charged with the engine running or with portable solar panels for trips in which we are going to spend more time standing in one place.
Instagram: @la.vandida_vanlife
155x200 cmDie Stornierungsbedingungen hängen vom Datum der Stornierung ab.
Die genaue Adresse wird dir mitgeteilt, sobald die Reservierung von beiden Seiten bestätigt ist.
Ab EUR 75/Tag